Widnes Vikings and the Vikings Foundation are pleased to announce the re-launch of the lottery at tomorrow’s game with York.

By entering Your Lottery, each month, your stake goes directly towards helping run Widnes Vikings’ Community and Pathway programmes.

Even though you are playing to win an excellent financial prize, every time you play Your Lottery, you are having a positive impact on thousands of people’s lives.

Foundation Director, Simon Fox said: “As an official charity, being here for our great community and people of Widnes and Halton is what we’re about.

“The relaunch of the Vikings lottery will allow us to raise crucial funds and simply put deliver more programmes to more people who genuinely need support.”


£2 will help children with special educational needs access sport in their school.
£5 will help support those people living with life limiting illnesses such as dementia, Parkinson’s and cancer.
£10 will provide free access to rugby for our growing development programme.
£12 will provide crucial mental health intervention sessions for some of the most at-risk people in the district.
Our Mission
  • Extend the sporting offer across the county.
  • Significantly enhance the health and wellbeing of citizens across the county.
  • Expand and improve the access to education, learning, and employment opportunities for people of all ages.
  • Offer rugby-based and multi-sport coaching on a multitude of levels from grassroots to elite level.
  • Provide strong, sustainable and impactful support work for the disabled, at-risk groups and communities, women, the elderly, and those in need of life-changing intervention projects.
  • Ensure the children and young people have a better start to, and chance, in life.
  • Link our fragmented communities through high-quality, connecting programmes.

Keep an eye out for stalls in the Bridge Suite, North and South Stand Concourses.

For more information or to sign up, click HERE