Widnes Vikings Learning Disability Rugby League club offers an adaption of the traditional game developed to allow those with disabilities to enjoy the game of Rugby League. Our current squad has a wide range of ages, abilities and backgrounds and welcomes new players with learning difficulties.

Super League (Europe) and the Rugby Football League (RFL) have partnered with the national social care charity Community Integrated Care, to form a ground-breaking inclusive sports programme for people with learning disabilities and autism.

The ‘Community Integrated Care Learning Disability Super League’ (LDSL) gives people with learning disabilities the opportunity to play an adapted version of Rugby League, in a series of high-profile festivals and events.

Our programme aims to promote physical activity, skill development, confidence, and social inclusion for people with disabilities. The Vikings are proud to provide additional support to people with a disability to get out and be active in a way that is flexible, fun, and motivating.

This is a world-first initiative as a professional sports league shares its brand with a learning disability sports programme. The inclusive competition has been supported by 10 founder clubs, including Widnes Vikings, who have established their own LDSL teams.

Learning Disability Rugby League (LDRL) is a specially adapted non-competitive game, which focuses on encouraging participation and skills development.

Anyone interested in joining the team can contact community@widnesvikings.co.uk. Training is held on Wednesday evenings from 5-6pm at the DCBL Stadium.

Our LDRL team is proudly sponsored by DCBL